
2024 JTL加特林 最新招聘 景观方案设计师/景观方案助理设计师/景观扩初助理设计师


JTL Studio, Brand company JTL was founded in Singapore in 2017, the Chinese company (JTL Gatlin) stationed in Chongqing, operating so far has been in 7 years time, is the domestic landscape design company with a forward-looking vision and international background. Its joint different regional design elite team, senior consultant team strategic collaboration, to provide landscape and planning design consultancy services, design with unique and iconic ecological landscape projects. We accurately analyze project needs, customize the most effective design process, select the most appropriate consultants and designs, and provide high-quality design services.


In the past few years, the JTL team has provided high-quality design consultancy services to customers in many countries around the world, covering various types of design categories, such as resort planning, theme cultural projects, large-scale landscape planning, waterfront design, and advanced residential areas, commercial real estate design and other different areas.Entering China in 2018, JTL mainly engaged in real estate development projects such as urban luxury houses, resort hotels, and commercial complexes. At present, it has established good cooperative relationships and strategic cooperation mode with many Chinese best development enterprises such as China Resources Property, China Shipping Property, Poly Development, China Merchants Property, Greentown Real Estate.

招聘职位| Position

.景观方案设计师 2-3名 (工作地点 重庆办公室)Landscape designer 2-3 (Work location Chongqing Office)

1. 4-6年景观设计经验,国内本科及研究生以上学历或海外名校留学背景,拥有国际知名设计机构工作背景优先,具有独立设计完成一般性规模和难度的景观项目经验;
2. 熟悉景观设计项目运作流程,能理解方案设计,具有较高的审美能力及判断;
3. 能独立思考项目特点,具有创造性的设计能力和表现能力;
4. 具备良好的方案汇报能力,以及与业主、团队成员间的沟通协作能力;
5. 工作严谨踏实,具备良好的职业道德与团队合作精神,对景观极富热情;
6. 熟练使用MS Office,Auto CAD,Photoshop,Sketchup等相关软件;

Job Descriptions:

1. 4-6 years of landscape design experience, domestic education with an undergraduate or above degree, overseas famous university study background; internationally well-known design institutions working experience is preferred; experience in independent completion of the general scale and normal landscape projects;
2. Familiar with the operation process of landscape design project; understand the design of the project, and have high aesthetic ability and judgment;
3. Be able to think independently about the characteristics of the project; have creative design and performance capabilities;
4. Have good program reporting capabilities, communication and collaboration skills with clients and team members;
5. Work rigorously and pragmatically; good professional ethics and teamwork spirit; enthusiastic about the landscape;
6. Skilled in using MS Office, Auto CAD, Photoshop, Sketchup and other related software;

.观方案助理设计师 3-5名 (工作地点 重庆办公室)Assistant Landscape Designer 3-5 (Work Location Chongqing Office)


1. 2-4年景观设计经验,国内本科及研究生以上学历或海外名校留学背景,拥有国际知名设计机构工作背景优先,具有独立设计完成一般性规模和难度的景观项目细节设计经验;
2. 熟悉景观设计项目运作流程,能理解方案设计,具有较高的审美能力及判断;
3. 能独立思考项目特点,具有创造性的设计能力和表现能力;
4. 具备良好的方案思维能力,以及与团队成员间的沟通协作能力;
5. 工作严谨踏实,具备良好的职业道德与团队合作精神,对景观极富热情;
6. 熟练使用MS Office,Auto CAD,Photoshop,Sketchup等相关软件; 

Job Descriptions:

1. 2-4 years of landscape design experience, domestic education with an undergraduate or above degree, overseas famous university study background; internationally well-known design institutions working experience is preferred; experience in independent completion of the general scale and normal landscape projects;
2. Familiar with the operation process of landscape design project; understand the design of the project, and have high aesthetic ability and judgment;
3. Be able to think independently about the characteristics of the project; have creative design and performance capabilities;
4. Have good program thinking skills, communication and collaboration skills with team members;
5. Work rigorously and pragmatically; good professional ethics and teamwork spirit; enthusiastic about the landscape;
6. Skilled in using MS Office, Auto CAD, Photoshop, Sketchup and other related software; 

.扩初助理设计师(土建类) 2-3名(工作地点 重庆办公室) Expansion Assistant Designer (Civil) 2-3 (Work Location Chongqing Office)


1. 1-3年施工图土建设计经验,具有名企设计机构工作或实习经验优先,能够与方案设计师进行有效沟通并提出个人建议,领悟设计思路及审美趋向。具备独立完成小品构筑等详图设计工作,并在主创设计师或设计师指导下完成总图设计工作;

2. 能够辅助主创设计师或设计师完成项目施工图综合设计工作;

3. 熟悉本专业相关设计规范和技术指标,了解行业内常用技术和材料,关注行业内新技术和材料的发展和应用;

4. 熟练掌握天正AutoCAD,SketchUp,等专业设计软件。

Job Descriptions:

1. 1-3 years of experience in construction and civil engineering design; priority in the design work or internship experience of famous enterprises, able to communicate effectively with the planners and make personal suggestions; comprehend the design ideas and aesthetic trends. Complete the detailed design work such as independent construction of small structures, and complete the general drawing design work under the guidance of the chief designer or designers;

2. Assist the chief designer or designers to complete the comprehensive design work of the project construction drawing;

3. Familiar with the relevant design specifications and technical indicators of this profession, understand the commonly used technologies and materials in the industry, and pay attention to the development and application of new technologies and materials in the industry;

4. Proficiency in Tianzheng AutoCAD, SketchUp, and other professional design software.

申请方式| How to apply


更多了解More about us:www.jtl.sg或关注公众号:JTL景观设计



